Thursday, June 9, 2011

Roughin It

So tonight I'm camping. And currently updating from the wonder that is my iPhone. I woke up this morning frustrated by the idea of staying in Knoxville another day just on case there was an interview with another dog shelter. There isn't. Anyway, I also awoke thinking that all I wanted to do for the day was sit in a park and read a book.

I've been talking about camping this whole time but every night when it gets close to the time I would have to we out to do it I just feel tired and lazy and would rather go someplace where a bed has been prepared for me. But since I wanted to be outside all day anyway it made sense to set up a campsite early and just stay for the night. And that is what I did.

Of course, it rained for the first time since I've been here today. And rained quite a bit. And of course my tent leaked in no less than 3 places. But sitting in my tent reading and listening to the rain was still a good time.

I had planned on staying at a campground 10 minutes from town so I figured I would just drive in for dinner. That campground was actually more of an RV park and I didn't think I would fit in there. So I decided to move on and look for someplace else. Now I'm about 30 minutes out of town and don't want to drive all the way into town for dinner. So I had a mango for dinner. I cut it up using my handy dandy Cornell ID tag which is a sharp enough to double as a box cutter.

Also important to note is that my phone won't let me scroll to where I want and type so I can't see what I'm typing and I'm using my phone. Excuse nonsense phrases.

I decided to reorganize my car a little bit. Towards the end of the packing experience I just started throwing thins in and over the course of my journey things have gotten pretty jumbled. I made some changes in where things were and made some progress, I think, at getting everything stacked neatly instead of thrown in. And some things I need to get to are in better spots now and things I won't need for awhile are more hidden away. It looks better, anyway, and befell like I did something useful today.

I think I'm getting camping neighbors. Maybe they'll share some food.

What else!

I have no idea what I want anymore. None at all. Going down to Tampa, tomorrow probably, to stay while I figure it out. I also might rethink Knoxville. I like it, but I don't love it. Who knows. This is why I need to keep thinking. And applying for jobs. I don't like not having a plan. It makes me uneasy.

One of the reasons I thought this trip would be good for me is because I always plan everything out and want to learn how to just go with it better. But I had a scheduled itinerary for the whole trip down and two days into Knoxville without a plan and I was going crazy. Now that I know I'm going somewhere else I feel better, but I've got a plan in my head already. So it's not really working. But I think I should still try. I want to explore the deep south some. We'll see.

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