Sunday, August 7, 2011


Today seemed like a real day. I didn't wake up as early as I had planned, but I did wake up earlier than I have been, so that's half a success.

I have a job interview on Tuesday at a vet clinic that is really really close, and I just dropped off an application yesterday, so that is absolutely great. I hope they can work with my zoo schedule because that will really be the deciding factor, I'm sure.

I started designing my own knitting pattern that I'm going to use for a Christmas gift for someone, and that's really fun. I already started knitting it and it's cool to see the beginnings of it come together. I'm getting really good at knitting, by the way.

My roommate and I made dinner together and it turned out well. She had vegetables she needed to use and wanted to make into a pasta sauce. I had ground beef I wanted to use to and wanted to make into meatballs. It was the perfect storm, really. We started dinner and about the same time and everything came together at just the right time and we have a full, delicious meal and it was fun to do.

We also decided to go out tonight, to the bars in a neighborhood I've only ever walked through during the day. I'm glad we went. I saw a brass band on the street corner. Those are pretty common here, but I never get tired of them. The bar we went into had a brass band, too. Her boyfriend met up with us and the two of them told me a lot of about New Orleans. She's only been here a couple months but has visited a lot over the last few years but he's been here eight years now and knows a little more. They told me that on time the city of New Orleans didn't pay its computer server bill on time. They forgot to. Because it happened over Mardi Gras and no one does anything during Mardi Gras. Mardi Gras, apparently, isn't just the one day. It's not even one week. It's week leading up to it. But as soon as midnight hits and it's Ash Wednesday policemen on horses push everyone out of the French Quarter and close the bars.

Bars in New Orleans never close, by the way. They don't have to. The liquor laws here are ridiculous. You can have an open container with you pretty much anywhere as long as it's in an "unbreakable container." There are drive through liquor stores. There is a daiquiri bar in the mall. It's insane.

Anyway, it was a full day. I did things and it was nice to spend the day in activity, even if it wasn't strenuous. I also ordered work shorts. And emailed a yarn store about some yarn. Good use of a Saturday! Tomorrow morning I'll be going to a brunch with my roommate, too. She's going as a job networking opportunity. I'm going for waffles.

By the way, since I mentioned knitting in this post. If, loyal readers and loved ones--really just loved ones who I'm counting on as loyal readers--if there is anything in particular you think you would really like to have that is a knitted gift, let me know! I'm started Christmas presents now so that I have a decent amount of time to work. I can't make any promises that you'll get something this year, because I'm still a kind of slow knitter, but I like making things for people and it would be best if they were things you also wanted.

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