Monday, June 20, 2011

It's Been Awhile

I stopped updating because there wasn't much to update about. Still isn't a whole lot, but I thought I'd give one anyway.

I haven't heard anything else from that job in Nashville yet, but I'm going to send out an email tonight.

Tonight or tomorrow I'm going to write cover letters for a few internships in New Orleans.

Over the last couple of days I haven't been up to much. I went to see my cousin, who lives about an hour away from where I'm staying right now. We went bowling and saw a movie, then we stayed the night there so we could all go to Busch Gardens in the morning.

Busch Gardens is amazing! Really awesome roller coasters mixed with pretty nice animal exhibits was my perfect place to have fun. They had a new cheetah exhibit to go with their new roller coaster, the Cheetah Hunt. I love cheetahs! They're my second favorite, next to snow leopards. They also have a baby cheetah (4 months old) that lives with a puppy (5 months old). They wanted to raise the cheetah with something else because otherwise they get lonely and aren't socialized well, but there were no other cheetah kittens around when he was born. Now the two will be together for the rest of their lives because you can't separate them once they've formed a bond like that. They were pretty adorable, but I didn't have my phone or my camera so there are no pictures to prove it.

They had tigers that were so awesome and they were up and active at the end of the day and I spent a lot of time pressed against the glass watching them. I love critters. I love them so much. I had a good time looking at everything they had, and they have a pretty good collection.

One of the roller coasters is the tallest one in Florida and when you get to the top of the first drop, which is a 90 degree fall, they hold you there on the edge for 4 seconds. We were in the front row. Yeeesshhh. But it was a lot of fun. I love roller coasters. We went on that one 3 times.

I also bought my first piece of artwork ever. It's one of those things where they have the animal walk through paint and then walk on canvas. It's one of those things that a lot of people would think is a little bit ridiculous (or a lot ridiculous) but I love it so much. It's something a cheetah touched! When I look at it I just get more excited. I love thinking about it. And there's dirt in the paint from the pads of the cheetahs paws. It's so freaking cool. And I can't wait to get a home to hang it up in.

I love it so much!

Not many other highlights or updates. It was nice to spend some time with my cousin and his wife and their little boy.

And it'll be nice to get a few applications out tomorrow.

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